Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Here, you may visit my blog, which is chock full of YouTube videos, music, images, and whatever else I stumble upon.

About Dev-chan:

Age: 15.5

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 13th

theOtaku Anniversary: August 20th

Favorite anime/manga: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuroshitsuji, Durarara!, Elfen Lied, Hetalia: Axis Powers...MUCHOS OTROS (Many others, XD).


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My Anime List! I My Manga List!

Random youtube video of the day: 12/12/09

^I just thought this was a cool video~^

*Please note that I did not make this video, nor do I claim ownership.*

1dev13's Journal! :D 12/11/09

Well, I'll start off with the weirdest dream that I had this morning, I had a dream that I went on a plane, and it was very mechanical inside, and you could only pack 1 handbag with you, and you had to stay at your destination for a year! (XD At this point, I'm like, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO WEAR??!!?" I decided to pack it with my manga, and itouch. All the sudden, the plane took liftoff, and my dad's like "GET THAT BAG OFF OF YOU!!!" So I kept it on me, and then my dad said a few minutes later after we were in the air, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT, YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN YOURSELF KILLED!" (I'm like, WT...) Then, we arrived at our destination, and we were at a hockey game, and for some peculiar reason, one of my old friends was there, except it looked very, VERY different, and he was abnormally tall! And at this point, my stupid alarm went off...*KILLS ALARM CLOCK!*

Anyway, school was boring, and I also had no basketball practice, so I just went home on the bus...which is boring as well. *Surrounded by young children* Anyway, I made a few quick cards, feel free to check them out~ OH! I probably won't be on that long from tomorrow until Sunday, 'cause I'll be at my mom's house. *Gets bored there* Anyway, I hope we go shopping~ *Hopes to find something interesting~*

Well, since today's journal was very, VERY dull, here's some motivational posters I think you all would enjoy~

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^XD Anyone know what anime this is?^

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^LOL! Yay for Death Note~^

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^YAY FOR RUKIA~ She's my fav! ^

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^Also, YAY FOR KONATA~ Another fav~^

Well, I'd best be getting to bed, so see you all later, good night!

~1dev13 ^^

Random quote of the day: 12/11/09

"Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!" ~Shana (Shakugan no Shana season 1, practically every episode, english dub)

Random youtube video of the day: 12/11/09

^XD XD XD! Kyon...you silly goose! XD^

*Please note that I didn't make this video, nor do I claim ownership.*

1dev13's Journal! :D 12/10/09

Well, I had a basketball game tonight, I thought I did pretty good, considering how I failed last time, XD I assisted 2 people, and they scored! ^^ Yeah, my goal is to make at least ONE basket this year, LOL! So, otherwords, nothing really happened today...BUT I do have to say this: Shagukan no Shana ROCKS!!!! I watched the first to episodes last night, and, well, now I'm addicted, XD (Thank you to those who told me it was good!) I think I like it, since it's a comedy, as well as sci-fi, (like Haruhi, XD) ALSO~ Thank you for 83 subsribers! W00T! (WHOA! I've NEVER said that before! XD) But anyway, I'm glad you all like my newest cards, especially the one with Kyon with his hands...in his pants, XD LOL! Well, I have a video, and picture to show you, with my latest obsession:

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^XD Shana likes repeating everything 3 times, especially, SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! XD^

^XD Everyone loves the Caramelldansen! XD^

Well, I'll most likely have school tomorrow, so I'd better get to bed...I'll watch 2 more episodes of Shakugan no Shana, and see how epic it is then~
