1dev13's Journal! :D 11/30/09

Well, I just got finished decorating my house for Christmas~ Here is a picture of my tree and stockings:

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Yeah, I would take a picture of the outside of my house, but it's a little to chilly outside, XD

Anyway, today, I had school *yawns* Nothing out of the ordinary happened...Then I had Basketball practice...the usual...(Man I'm sounding like Haruhi today, XD) ANYWAY! So, I'm working on my how-to article for English, and I'm doing mine on how to read manga~ I'll post it in my next journal when I'm done~

Well, since today's journal is kinda' "lacking" (Well, boring I should say...) Anyway, my friend scoodi showed me this, and it's pretty creepy! XD (In a good way though, it's nothing bad.)

Click here! :D (And yes...it's Haruhi related, XD)

Thank you scoodi again~

Well, since I have school tomorrow...*NOOOOOOOOO!* I'd better get off to bed...

