1dev13's Journal! :D 12/2/09

Eh, today was kinda' boring...nothing out of the ordinary! (Again!) Anyway, my first basketball game is tomorrow, and I'm nervous! (*Not good at basketball*) ANYWAY! And tomorrow, I get my report card back! (I'm hoping for the A honor roll, which I believe I will make~) I made 3 new cards, 2 of them are Lucky Star related, and the other one is Pokemon related~ I love making cards, they're so fun~ UGH! On another note, I have a really bad headache...*insert extremely lough UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!*

Well, I'd best be off to bed, I have a math test tomorrow...*sighs*


WAIT! Since today was boring, here's a couple random pictures:

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XD Yuki deleted Ryoko~

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MEGA KAWAII! Um...but why is Ryoko holding a lemon I wonder? Oh well, like I said, it's cute~
