1dev13's Journal! :D 12/9/09

YES!!!!! THERE WAS NO SCHOOL TODAY...XD Ahem, anyway, so right now, I'm just browsing youtube and theOtaku, due to boredom! XD So, nothing really happened today...so you know what that means~ Random images time~

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XD Just don't ask, that just shows how bored I was all day! XD

Here, I put up my tree in my room...compare it to the tree in my living room, XD

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^Tree in my room~^

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^Tree in my living room! XD It makes my little tree look...lacking! XD^

Well, it would be SO AWESOME if I had no school again tomorrow! XD I'll see you all in the morning~


Okay, 1 more picture, 'cause this is HILARIOUS!

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*Currently falling off my chair laughing! XD*
