1dev13's Journal! :D 1/3/10

^-^;;;;; Sorry again...now you'll see why I couldn't write in forever...(sorry)

Let's start with New Year's Day~

1/1/10: YEY! 2010~ Man, I can't believe how time flies...I can't believe I'll be going to high school next year! XD But anyway, I stayed up until 3 this morning with a friend, but my dad forced me to go to bed...LOL! Anyway, so I slept in until 8...played Kingdom Hearts~ (I FINALLY got past the Infernal Machine, thanks to DN Fangirls~ (XD DN Fangirls, I recommend you check your inbox soon~) Anyway, my stepmom (almost) and her sister came back to our house, they were just visiting my almost grandpa and grandma. My stepmom did get a new Honda CRV, *google image searches*

Here's what it looks like on the outside:

External Image

So yeah...XD I rode in it today, 'cause we went out to eat~ OH! I got mah new world up and running, you can check it out here~ How do you think it could be improved??? Constructive criticism is apperciated!


To yesterday~

Well, our family got together for Christmas, 'cause due to a snowstorm, they couldn't come...but anyway, I got a $20 target gift card...now...that adds up to $105 in target gift cards...XD What in the world am I gonna' buy with that??? Any ideas??? I'm starting to not feel well again...dizzy, tired, headache (MASSIVE), feel faint, weak, can't remember things that happened 3 seconds ago...etc...Well, I heard this commercial on the radio about concussions...and it said all the symptoms that I had...*shivers* I wouldn't be surprized if I had one...I had a bad Softball accident last Spring, along with me getting hit in the head everyday...but oh well...I guess there's nothing I can do...

Onward to today~

-6:00 PM-

Now, you're probably like "WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH ALL THE SAD FACES, DEV???" Well...My stepmom's dad passed away this morning... I didn't know him that well, but it's still sad, you know? (I've known him for about 2 years...) Another reason? Well, I have to go to back to school tomorrow...*yay* (I REALLY DON'T WANNA GO, I'M GONNA EXPLODE IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS, AND ALSO BECAUSE OF HER! ) *sniffle, sniffle* Okay...I'll try not to go back to sadness...well, right now on Kingdom Hearts, I'm on day 256...XD I'm stuck again! XD But I'll get through it~ Okay...back to the sadness...the funeral's on Friday, so I won't be able to go on theOtaku 'til Monday... (Sorry...) I REALLY, REALLY wanna stay at a hotel, but nOoOo...*sighs* I hate funerals...(*talking to self* Well who doesn't???) Well, I'll let you guys know if anything interesting happens...*sighs*

