XD Well...I couldn't type up a blog on Tuesday or Wednesday...XD SO I'LL CATCH UP NOW!

Tuesday: I got back from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX at about 11:00 at night! *shot* So, I was pretty tired, since my dad wouldn't let me sleep in the car.


Wednesday: XD So, at school, we're going to see The Diary of Anne Frank play, and one of the boys goes: "So we're just gonna' watch a girl write in her diary for 2 hours???" XD XD XD Otherwords, nothing really eventful happened...well, I guess I had softball practice, XD WAIT!!! I saw a movie called, "The Last Song"...It was sad, but surprisingly, I didn't cry, XD (Maybe 'cause Miley Cyrus was in it? Idk...XD)



Well, I made a card a while back for April Fool's Day, here it is if you wanna' check it out!

Anyway, SPRING BREAK!!! YAY!!! Imma gonna' be home 'til next Wednesday~ NOW IS THE TIME TO WATCH ANIME AND READ MANGA!!! *evil grin*

Ahem, anyway...

So, I finished Volume 5 of the Haruhi manga...XD SHAMISEN SWEARS, IT IS HILAROUS!!! Some random guy: "A MALE CALICO CAT! THAT'S WORTH A LOT OF MONEY!!!" Shamisen: "S***!" XD XD XD I'm still dying, XD Otherwords, it's just about the endless eight, and making the movie and such...I WANT THE NOVEL TO COME OUT SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD! XD *checks barnes and noble app* UGH! Not 'til June 1st...*sighs* XD

Well, I'll let you guys know if anything else happens...I think I might go watch Loveless...XD

