...Honestly, don't ask about the title...nothing in particular really happened I don't have a good title...

BUT! First, I had Softball practice last night, and then went to a friend's house, so I didn't have time to write a blog...but nothing happened, XD doesn't really matter, right, XD

ANYWAY! ONTO TODAY...DURING L.A!!! (Language Arts)

So, we're currently reading "The Diary of Anne Frank"...and we got to a certain part...I'll explain it briefly below...

Okay, so first off it talks about her having her period, and then it moves onto her kissing another girl () while the other girl was sleeping...and then wanting to touch another girls...(YOU CAN FIGURE THAT OUT! )

BUT we are just happening to be reading this aloud in class...and of course, nobody would want to read that outloud, especially a guy, right??? So, everyone knew it was coming...and when we started getting near that part, everyone is just reading one sentence, and RIGHT before it talks about her talking about her period, a guy happened to be reading, and then he's like, "Um...[teacher]!" XD XD XD XD XD We had to get stuck reading the rest though... (I AM SO GLAD I DIDN'T HAVE TO READ THAT, I WOULD HAVE DIED!!!" Everyone was laughing...and blushing...I'll just say it was very uncomfortable to read aloud in class...

...Other than that, The Diary of Anne Frank is a pretty good book. I would hate to have my diary published for the whole world to see...XD Luckily, I don't have one~

Hm...what else? OH! I have 2 new fanarts, if you wanted to check them out~ (OH! Note on my fancomic. ^-^;;; Well, I might not start adding ACTUAL pages until school ends...which is May I'M SORRY!!!)

ONE LAST THING!!! I AM CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A BANNER AND/OR BACKGROUND FOR THIS WORLD!!! You shall recieve some stuff~ (gifts, dedications, requests...etc, XD) Here is my grand list of anime~ (Anything with an 8 or higher is considered a favorite~)

So...with that I bid you adieu~



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