Tuesday...[insert epic title here]

Heh, heh, heh...^-^;;; Nothing really happened today out of the ordinary...I'm just reading this book from the 70's about Immigration...and doing other homework and such...*sighs* XD I'd recommend if you'd read my previous blogs from Sunday and yesterday...'cause they are WAY more interesting than this one...


I deleted my world that I had for less than 24 hours, 'cause I realized that I could only post 4 youtube videos per post...and there I would run into problems...SO! I'll just post occasional videos like I do now~


If you're a member of AMVC, please read this important announcement~


*sighs* I'm sorry this blog was probably a waste of your precious time...SO, I'll post a video and image for your enjoyment~

^XD I DIED (due to laughter) SO MUCH!!!!^


Make sure to check out my contest~
