Okay, well, today, we had a really good softball game-we won~ But here's the story: Okay, so I hit a double, stole 3rd, and got save at home-which got us in the lead. Then, I got put out in right field, (Which I normally play first, so I hate being out in the outfield...) So, anyway, a ball comes flying at me. *Catch* *Chucks ball at first* *Double play!!!*

XD So, that was a nice game~


So, we have this teacher for language arts who's like 50, and at the begining of class, "I checked my facebook thi-" Us: YOU HAVE A FACEBOOK??? XD It shocked us all...

Well, it's 9:30, so I'd better get to bed...(Sorry for grammar mistakes, etc., but it's very hard for me to type on my itouch...nonetheless when my brain shuts down, XD)


(Sorry, no image, but here's a quote:)

*The following was said on a car trip where I was sleeping, while everyone else had been awake.* "Hey, it's 6!"
