XD I'll probably make a quick blog tomorrow morning, but if I can't, then this will be my last blog until Friday-or possible Sunday! (My mom might make me to go XXXX, which I dislike, due to not being able to access the electronic world...


So, onto today~

I'm thinking of making a quick little drawn fancomic for when I get back from the retreat~ I think it'll be funny~

Hm...OH! So, today, we had gym, which we normally have outside at this time, but it was really windy and cold, so we had it inside, and we had to do calastenics...(XD I DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT THE SPELLING, THEY ARE SO RETARTED!!!!) ANYWAY! So, apparently, I was getting an allergic reaction to something, so I couldn't stop itching my legs and arms, and Mr. XXXXXX kept yelling, "STOP ITCHING!" Me: WHAT THE HECK??? IT'S KINDA' IMPOSSIBLE!!! "I CAN'T!" It was stupid, XD

I have one question to ask all of you...

Should I bring my itouch, or my mp3 player to go camping outside? The only reason I would want my touch is because it has my awesome music...and videos! XD (CONTAINING ANIME!!!) ANYWAY! Your opinions are apperciated~


We're gonna' try and stay up all night tomorrow~



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