I'm back...AGAIN! XD

XD Sorry for the unannounced break again...BUT I HAVE AN EXPLAINATION!!!

1. I HAD to stay at a hotel for my dad's wedding.

2. It's VERY hard to browse and comment on theO on my itouch.

3. After I watched 4 episodes of K-ON!, it was at 20% battery...it died shortly after...

4. I was busy, XD

AND 5. My computer had been randomly shutting off, until my dad told me that's 'cause we haven't cleaned it since we moved here...And I thought I knew A LOT about computers...I didn't know you had to clean them...*smacks head against wall*

So, now let's move onto the gratuation, wedding, etc.

It was awesome...I got to wear a pretty dress and read, and several other things...It's kinda' hard to explain...'Cause it would be VERY long...Maybe I'll explain as soon as my stepmom's family leaves...

Today, I got a bunch of new clothes, 'cause when school ended, NONE of my clothes fit...so I went shopping...

Now that things have settled down, I'm gonna' do 2 things for sure this summer:

Watch/read anime/manga.


Heh heh...^-^;;; You know how last time I blogged, I said I was gonna' post fanart? Well, my computer randomly shut off again...so I'll go do that now~



External Image

^Anyone else think that this could also define Mikuru?^
