The following video is sheer randomness. It contains ducks and what-not.

GAH. I just finished all my homework. I feel like stabbing Math. It is not power. I heard Geometry is so much easier. Today, I received my huge thing to choose classes from. This year, I have one elective (Well, other than Spanish and Choir, which takes up 5 of the 6). I can't decide between Art and Introduction to Theatre, I've already completed all my Fine Arts classes, and Theatre counts as Language Arts, BUT I want to do Graphic designing as a class...YOU CAN'T MAKE WALLPAPERS, DEV!!! *sighs* But I still think it would be fun~

Off I go to the land of Kingdom Hearts~ ^-^ (Birth by Sleep...BEST GAEM EVARRRRRR!)


OH! And you, YOU! You get a waffle too~

Man, I miss this show.
