Be On the Blimp with me, My Friend.

I am in Steampunk mode. I drew gears, robots, goggles and guns like crazy these past few days. It's revitalizing for me because it's a nice change from my typical hoodies-wearing, sulking winged people (referring to characters in Brother Assassin). And out of habit, I created some characters just for kicks. My fave would have to be Gabriel, Ludwig and Apathy. Cos they are cool and Ludwig and Apathy had long existed but were never mentioned. XD

I have always admired the concepts offered in Steampunk and as cheesy as this sounds, I imagined being in one of the airships, hanging out with Gabriel. I'm crazy but yeah, that's how dangerous imagination can be for me. I'd be so infatuated with that idea that I lose sight of reality and start imagining.

Like... how's it gonna be on the airship to be with Gabriel, an aerodynamics expert and mechanic? Sure, heat from the boiler and the oil stains is part of the cons, but imagine being up in the sky, feeling the breeze slapping against your face after a hot day chucking coals in the boiler that produce steam to propel the blimp. While the upperclassmen and their wives or important people are inside the airship, cool and comfortable, the working people on the deck fuss over the gears and weather readings. The people won't even realize how magnificent the view is from the deck when the sun begins to set.
Among the orange-stained clouds and the red sky embracing all fellow high-flyers of the sky, you can feel the sense of awe began to bloom among the high-flyers. It's something one can't forget. And in the distance, you saw another blimp and the men working on the deck. The captain of the blimp of your own is a risk-taking son of a gun and he pulled the rope and whistles blew. The people inside may be panicking but we know, he was just saying hello to the fellows of the other ship. And the flight continues till the night until you can see the horizon aligned with lights of a city. A city alive with people of innovations and more things to be discovered. A smiling Gabriel was distinct even in the night and you smiled back.

Gabriel and his friends aboard the airship. ^___^

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Gabriel and his mentor, Jacqueline. I had so much fun drawing the plane engine but got lazy halfway through. Ha.

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Sorry about the long post but I couldn't hold myself in. It's just... XD XD Only these XD icons can portray how excited I am. lol.
