"Make something every day and change your life!" -Noah Scalin

The only rule is: there are no rules!

Most Important: Don't stress out. Remember, this about taking little steps. When doing your daily project, focus on the current day and don't think about tomorrow, next week, or next month. Big projects can be incredibly daunting, but you'll be amazed at what you can do when you break them down into a series of tiny, manageable pieces.

The key to a successful daily project is deciding on a subject or medium that you will enjoy exploring for a year.

Keep in mind that a simpler idea will go a lot farther than a complicated on. If you choose a consistent subject matter (skulls, stars, smiley faces, chihuahuas, etc.), pick something you already like. You probably have plenty examples of it in your environment to inspire you, and you'll be less likely to get tired of it before a year is over.

and lastly, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT DOCUMENT!!!!! take pictures/video of not only the finished product. maybe take some of you in the process of making the project. and if it is something that will change over time (snow melting, food rotting), document that as well.

~-~-I will post the day's prompt early in the morning. when i finish my project, i will upload the documentation. in the evening i will post tomorrow's prompt to give you a head's up with the spoiler alert. ~-~-

all prompts and the above introduction rules are from the book A Daily Creativity Journal 365 Make Something Every Day And Change Your Life! by Noah Scalin

DAY 74

PROMPT: be bold. go to a store that you frequently shop at or a resturant where you frequently eat and ask what they'll let you make there. you'll do better with a local business than a chain store, and if you're sharing your project, they'll probably appreciate the publicity.

i wasn't very bold, i have to admit. i rarely eat, because it makes me sick. and as a poor college student i rarely shop. but i do visit the bank a lot to put money from work into savings. so i drew a picture of a kitty putting money in a piggy bank with my bank's logo, then snagged some bank slips when i went for my daily visit to tape onto the drawing.

DAY 73

PROMPT: work with the gravel, sand, or rocks available near your home.

i already made a rock kitty outline in a previous prompt, so i wanted to do something different. so i "borrowed" a rock from my mom's rock garden and used my oil paints on it. it's supposed to be 2 black kitties chasing a rabbit.

DAY 72

PROMPT: use all the shoes in your household to make something, or work on a single pair of shoes that were destined for the thrift store.

i couldn't use all the shoes in my house because my mom owns a million shoes. i only have 3 pair, but she has a shoe for each day of the month, at least. my dad too. but i used as many as i could, with help from auGUStus.

DAY 71

PROMPT: time travel. make something that seems like it came from another era in history.

i decided to make an egyptian kitty for this prompt. the sand didn't scan in very well, but i love the pyramids in the background.

DAY 70

PROMPT: work only with numbers today. you could make an image using numbers, make something into number shapes, do something involving a calculator, or. . .?

i just sketched out lightly the outline then filled it in with numbers. i just went 0-9 over and over. then i just erased the pencil sketch.