"Make something every day and change your life!" -Noah Scalin

The only rule is: there are no rules!

Most Important: Don't stress out. Remember, this about taking little steps. When doing your daily project, focus on the current day and don't think about tomorrow, next week, or next month. Big projects can be incredibly daunting, but you'll be amazed at what you can do when you break them down into a series of tiny, manageable pieces.

The key to a successful daily project is deciding on a subject or medium that you will enjoy exploring for a year.

Keep in mind that a simpler idea will go a lot farther than a complicated on. If you choose a consistent subject matter (skulls, stars, smiley faces, chihuahuas, etc.), pick something you already like. You probably have plenty examples of it in your environment to inspire you, and you'll be less likely to get tired of it before a year is over.

and lastly, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT DOCUMENT!!!!! take pictures/video of not only the finished product. maybe take some of you in the process of making the project. and if it is something that will change over time (snow melting, food rotting), document that as well.

~-~-I will post the day's prompt early in the morning. when i finish my project, i will upload the documentation. in the evening i will post tomorrow's prompt to give you a head's up with the spoiler alert. ~-~-

all prompts and the above introduction rules are from the book A Daily Creativity Journal 365 Make Something Every Day And Change Your Life! by Noah Scalin

DAY 49

PROMPT: quantity over quality. work with a lot of something. it could be dried grains from the kitchen, a jar of buttons you have in the closet, or all of your t-shirts.

i dug out all of my balls of yarn, and used them to make a kitty on my bedroom floor.

DAY 48

PROMPT: how tall can you make something that stands up on its own?

before i had to head to class this morning i gathered all of my stuffed cats that i had in my room, and piled them up on top of each other. i managed to get them as tall as my bed.

DAY 47

PROMPT: work with flowers--artificial or real, live or dried, picked or bought.

i used henry, and put a crocheted flower in his paws. i then posed him like he was trying to propose to mindy, who decided it was best to hide from him under my desk. she just stared at him. i think it was a rejection. poor henry.

NOTE: i'm no longer going to post the next day's prompt in the evening with spoiler alert, or the day's prompt early in the morning. the reason, because i don't think there is actually anyone even doing this project with me anymore. i think i've lost all my participant. so i'm just going to delete that list in my intro, and remove all guest posters. i am going to continue this project till the end though.

DAY 46

PROMPT: face it. what can you do with a face--yours or someone else's? this doesn't have to be face painting; you could use food or something else to decorate it, or try molding it into a new shape with hands or tape and documenting it.

i stuck a piece of tape on bogart's head, then filmed him trying to get it off. at the end though i had to drop the camera to get the tape out of his mouth.

DAY 45

PROMPT: create an image with masking tape or any other kind of tape, for that matter. try making it on a nontraditional surface. extra credit: leave it for others to find.

i used regular tape i cut up to make a kitty face and stuck it to my nightstand. but it's kind of hard to see.