"Make something every day and change your life!" -Noah Scalin

The only rule is: there are no rules!

Most Important: Don't stress out. Remember, this about taking little steps. When doing your daily project, focus on the current day and don't think about tomorrow, next week, or next month. Big projects can be incredibly daunting, but you'll be amazed at what you can do when you break them down into a series of tiny, manageable pieces.

The key to a successful daily project is deciding on a subject or medium that you will enjoy exploring for a year.

Keep in mind that a simpler idea will go a lot farther than a complicated on. If you choose a consistent subject matter (skulls, stars, smiley faces, chihuahuas, etc.), pick something you already like. You probably have plenty examples of it in your environment to inspire you, and you'll be less likely to get tired of it before a year is over.

and lastly, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT DOCUMENT!!!!! take pictures/video of not only the finished product. maybe take some of you in the process of making the project. and if it is something that will change over time (snow melting, food rotting), document that as well.

~-~-I will post the day's prompt early in the morning. when i finish my project, i will upload the documentation. in the evening i will post tomorrow's prompt to give you a head's up with the spoiler alert. ~-~-

all prompts and the above introduction rules are from the book A Daily Creativity Journal 365 Make Something Every Day And Change Your Life! by Noah Scalin

DAY 35

PROMPT: create instructions that others can use to make something and then have someone try it out.

i made a little booklet on how to draw a kitty. took me 2 hours though. it was kind of painful to try to make sure that each drawing was the same. i didn't scan every page though, because it's a long booklet. these are just a few of the pages.

DAY 36 PROMPT: take something old and make it look new.

DAY 34

PROMPT: work with wire, thin-gauge wire can easily be bent by hand, so no special tools are required. you don't even have to buy wire if you have some paper clips handy.

you would think that at a school i would be able to find lots of paper clips, but i had the hardest time hunting some down. i finally managed to find a lady with some, and snagged three. so here is my new pet kitty named P.C.

DAY 33

PROMPT: use pens as your inspiration/material today. draw with them, use them as construction material, or . . .?

drew this right before bed last night. with school, dr. appt, and homework i almost forgot. but i did a real quick sketch of the kitty in pencil, then went over it with a pen. if you can't tell, it's a kitty chewing on a pen, with determination.

DAY 34 PROMPT: work with wire, thin-gauge wire can easily be bent by hand, so no special tools are required. you don't even have to buy wire if you have some paper clips handy.

DAY 32

PROMPT: make something ephemeral. can you create something using a material that will dissipate quickly, like soap bubbles, smoke, butter on a griddle, or cream in coffee?

i made a butter finger painting of a cat in a pan, then i heated it up. it never completely melted though.

DAY 33 PROMPT: use pens as your inspiration/material today. draw with them, use them as construction material, or . . .?

DAY 31

PROMPT: make a path for people and invite people to try it out.

i made a path out of my huge shonen jump collection. i got quite the workout dragging my piles out of my closet into the hallway. at first sammie was completely intrigued, and helped me make the path. but then when i go my camera out, and was ready to take a pic of him walking in the path, dad opened the back door, and he took off. he thought playing outside was more interesting. so i had to wait. then i discovered bogart sitting in the path, sniffing around. so i took a pic of him instead. then came the long process of organizing all my shonen jumps first into piles by year, then organizing each year pile by month. then i had to methodically put them back into my closet in order.

DAY 32 PROMPT: make something ephemeral. can you create something using a material that will dissipate quickly, like soap bubbles, smoke, butter on a griddle, or cream in coffee?