Thnx and Gorillaz!

Hey guys!
Thanks for the subbs ive been getting recently!
Im working on a little sumting sumting for my friend who luvs the gorrilaz so ill have a sketch before the real thing up soon.
More to come.

(comment if u like the gorrilaz)

I havent been tagged but im v bored...

-You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
-Tag five people after wards.
-Leave a message on their page telling them they're tagged.


1. Perfect?: I wish..
2. Tall?: Quite.
3. In your pajamas?: No, but why do you need to kno (scared)
4. Left handed?: Damn Right!!!

1. Friend you saw: David, you legend. oh no w8 it was Jake, aww.. I prefer David
2. Talked to on the phone: My good buddy Josh.
3. Person to text you: Dana and her chain txts again.*sigh*
4. Was today better than yesterday?: Yes because im not a Monday person or a morning person.


1. Number: 7
2. Color(s): my favourite...hmm... blue.
3. Fruit: Watermelon is best fruit evaa!
4. Place: The magical kingdom beneath my eyelids.


1. Are you missing someone right now? Kinda..
2. Are you happy? Sure i am (fake smiles) see?
3. Are you sad? not rly.
4. Are you bored? (points to the title of this post)
6. Are you nervous? no, why, should i be? Wait Am I on TV?
8. Are you tired?AAAllllwaayyzzzz


1. Eating? just ate.
2. Drinking? Tea.
3. I'm about to: type this post
4. Listening to? Funkkk!
5. Plans for today? in the next 2 and a half hours... no


1. Drank bubbles? shaken not stirred..
2. Lost glasses/contacts? Yes "should've went to specsavers!" I did it doesnt help...
3. Ran away from home? Yes but then came back to ask for directions.
4. Broken someone's heart? Im sry to say so
5. Been arrested? yes, and they sent me to school.. AAAhhh!!


1. Miracles? yes
2. Yourself? too much it annoys me
3. Heaven? YES.
4. Santa Claus? I would if I got the iPad in the next 5 mins....*nothing* oh, ok then thats a no.
4. Love? Yes
5. Do you like someone? trying not to but I cant stop.
6. Do you believe in God? OF COURSE I DO!
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Yes!


Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: go back to sleep.

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: You...

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: CLASH OF THE TITANS!!! going to see kick-ass on saturday.

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: my kitchen

Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: if you smile when you laugh then yes.

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: no, I can never see any... so sad.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Yes, but not "over-friendly" if you catch my drift.

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: In your mothers bed. Im sorry, really i am but I couldnt resisit

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: 2 gf's ago

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: Im feeling sleepy...

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 6

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Stupid car alarm in the distance.

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: My eyes, Mangekyo Sharingan!!! naww im just kidding but my my eyes do hurt

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: August

Q: What did you do last night?
A: I slept.

Pheww... thats alll.
as for the tags lets just say if you read this you are tagged.


At Last!!

My internet connection finally got fixed YaYY!!! and I remembered my password!!!! duble-yay!!!
(saved it there well done)

:( Im so god damn lazy

Rly sry still dont have anything up. To be honest im rly lazy and just need sum motivation, and the posts should start rolling in . ok then


Ok so my exams are over for now (yet im still lazy as a..) but i might post as drafts just little quick random things i hav drawn in copies and such
Ninja out....