If everything is serious, how can we learn to laugh?
- Created By chichi6
^^ excited
Well two weekends from now, I will be going on my first date. ^-6 Excited for that, anyways right about now It's 5:55 am and I have school work to do. Not that I want to do it, but I have to. Oh well, havn't posted in while so just thought I should post something random. Thanks for reading, reply if you want to don't really care. It's your decision really it is, (OH YEAH I'M LISTENING TO OPERA) O.o I don't really know myself.
Here's a video to keep everyone happy.
well I can't get it to play right now but just go to youtube if you want to. Best crossover I have everseen.
So I went to go talk to my parents about my boyfriend because he really wanted me to. Anyways I told my parents about him and it went from "oh Whats his name?" to "chichi you have to plan for the right college" XD I was like really. So I guess this is my first officail boyfriend now. I think he will come over so meet them. At least he wants to come over to see me. ^0^
Comment please.
Ok so theres this video that my and my friend made. Please watch and comment perferibly on Youtube.
Well I finally got a boyfriend ^0^ I am really happy, but I suck at being in a relationship. Im not a talkative person and I dont know really what to do. It makes me sad but I imagine things will progress in a timely manner. ^-^ i really hoope I can become more of a talkative girl.
Happy valentines day!
Konichiwa! Ogen kidesuka! ^_^ I know it's not valentines day but I don't know if Ill be on the O tomarrow. So with out furthur adu HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!
So yesterday I went to a bridal show, It was halarious and very cute. The dresses were beautiful and the Tuxes were Sexy.`''`