Mission Day 1 -Ch.1&2-
The original story of Alice was this; she was under a tree with her sister reading a boring book as she suddenly sees the White Rabbit and follows him down the rabbit's hole. She picks up the Orange Marmalade off the shelf and puts it somewhere on an object so it wouldn't hit someone down below. After the fall she lands on twigs and leaves. Then continues to follow the white rabbit into the next room/hallway of doors. She catches sight of the rabbit entering into the small door, but she wonder's how he did it... She rushes to the door and peaks inside the keyhole into the garden. Then behind her a bottle and a key appear on the table behind her.
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My version of Alice's story goes like this; she's standing outside of her school thinking to herself and suddenly sees the white rabbit which she follows down the rabbit's hole. She is falling upside down as she transforms into Alice. She picks up a jar of Marmalade and finds it's empty subconsciously puts it upon a shelf as she lands softly upon a pile of leaves. White Rabbit is there waiting for her arrival and awaits for her to wake up. When she wakes up the white rabbit is standing in front of her, he changes into a anthropomorphic form right before her eyes. She asks, "Where's the write Rabbit?" He replies, "You're looking at him." She replies in surprise, "What!?" So well after a long, short talk he tells her to follow him, "We're late, you know?" He says "But that's okay if you want to be late, yet, you know, the Queen won't be thrilled." He shrugs and trys to get Alice (Avery) to rush along to the next room called the "Hallway of Doors". They enter the room together. "Wow, what a big room!" Alice (Avery) says. "Yes, of course, anything else?" White Rabbit (Darwin Terra) asks. "Why, yes! There is a lot of doors, too. But that's obvious," Alice (Avery) replies. The table, key and bottle plus a note from the Queen to Alice, where already there in the room, when they entered into the room. "Drink or no to drink?" White Rabbit asked "That is the question." Alice pondered. "What are my choices?" She asked. "Hmmmm.... Well, you could go down the hallway," White Rabbit says pointing his finger in that dircetion "Or drink the 'Drink Me' potion and shrink to go into the door." The letter reads: "You're invited to come to the croquet match held in the Queen's Courtyard. Don't be late! Or off with you HEAD! P.S. Not really and don't forget the key.