S.S.D.D V2

fancy title for something thats not even enough to be worth it i say. but i felt i needed to put a uneccessary spin on things. ya know we all hear alot about stress n stuff going on that makes life a pain. well think about it this way. we exist for a reason right? scientifical or otherwise well set aside i think theres a reason everything happens. not all reasons however are meant to be discovered and that in itself has another reason behind it. possibly because if we were to discover that reason it could alter things for worse than its intended course. now dont get me wrong im not big on the idea of fated lives cuz we were destined or fated to do something then thats not true living now is it? anyways started to get sidetracked... umm....where was i...?oh yeah intended courses. i think life isnt so much as either choice or fate but more of balance of systems working together in the universe in a way that creates a situation that requires a reaction in every instant of life. much like a test of will skill and wit it places problems and puzzles and obsticals in front of us not cuz life hates us or cuz we are unlucky but cuz we need the challenge. now im not saying that when bad things happen throughout your life and tragedy strikes that its a good thing. i am not saying that in the least. but i do think that even tho heavy times are only gettin heavier and striking harder to home. affecting loved ones whether it be friends or family that its meant as more of a test to see if you can stand up to the pressure of being amoung the many that are struggling day in and day out to help change this world for the better. im not sure if im wording this right but to put it this way "life throws hard sticks and stones to toughen then mind body and heart for the even harder times to come ahead" like most others i would like nothing more than to take the remote and hit the pause button on life so as to take a breather before starting again. but its a constant fight and struggle. that much wont change and how you react to it is very key in the path you "chose" out for yourself. lifes a tree. it is filled with hundreds of thousands of brnaches and like catipillars waiting to be butterflies we struggle to choose the right branch that wont drop us off to the harsh cold death that awaits below. but if anyone can guess whats really sad.. its when humans as a species dont know humility. sure we are advanced n all but that doesnt make us owners of the universe in fact its showboating like that that makes humans look stupid really. *sighs* yu know what im actually going to leave this for another time. something came up so ill have to end this one. sry for the hub bub >.>
