Welcome To My World!
Welcome To My World!
Chance are you've already heard about SunfallE's last post here:
But just in case you haven't I'm linking to it since this is one post you do not want to miss, trust me on this. If you haven't read it, do so immediately and then link to it on your world too.
Well as many of you know, summer is over and the long lazy days are over with. I swear, the older you get, the faster summer seems to just zip right past you. o_O
I did have one surprise right at the end. I let my dog out into the backyard and since there was already someone out there, she practically flew down the back patio steps.
Now that she's older, sometimes she'll miscalculate and miss a step, resulting in her falling down a few or backwards one if she's heading up. Usually it's no big deal, she just gets her footing back and continues on her way. She did the same this time and continued out into the yard.
I couldn't quite see since my position was from behind and looking down, but even though I thought she hit her face on the cement step, she didn't yelp and behaved like nothing was wrong. She even wandered around sniffing stuff after she was done taking care of her business.
So I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when I called her back in and saw that she had blood running down her fur on the left side of her face. I checked it and found a tooth caught in her fur. o_o Somehow, she managed to hit the cement just right and knock the thing out.
I called the vet, but it was already 5:30pm so they didn't have anything until the following morning. Since she didn't seem to be in any obvious pain and the bleeding was already coming to a halt, I figured it would be okay to wait until the morning.
Everything went fine, I was up all night because I was worried about her and couldn't sleep. I didn't want it to start hurting and bother her since dogs don't understand how to leave something alone. It's entirely possible that she would have pawed at it or done other things if it was hurting her.
Fortunately, other than to sleep and lose interest in her food, she never once fussed or seemed to be in any serious pain during the night. Once the morning came, my sister Mariskah took her to the vet, along with the tooth since we saved it to show him.
Luckily it came out whole so they didn't need to do any surgery. It's unusual for that to happen since front teeth like that are hard to remove and he told Mariskah that it takes a lot of force to knock it out. We figure it was a freak accident and the fact that she hit hard cement was probably why it was knocked out.
She was put on pain meds for five days and antibiotics for eight. Other than to throwup once, the first night, she recovered just fine and didn't have any issues eating her food. We did have to soften it for the past two weeks though. Today is the first day she can have regular food again.
I think the furry dummy is gonna miss that. All we did was use some water to soften up her dog food, but she absoutely LOVED it. XD Anyway, I'm just glad she healed up well and that my sister helped us get her to the vet.
I was gone for a bit this past month and I return only to find that the kids who are out of school now, are using chat to make up families and do stupid 'so and so holds [insert user name here] tightly' & 'so and so kisses [insert user name here] passionately' . . .
Excuse me while I go and barf. kthx