I'm going to be blunt people, in regards to my post about chat earlier last week. What part of IT'S OVER WITH do you NOT UNDERSTAND? Seriously, just shut the hell up already. I, like many moderators have done, vented on my PERSONAL BLOG because I was frustrated. I'm not the only one to do this so don't make me go and link you to your OWN posts to prove my point.

I didn't call for action, NO ONE IS IN TROUBLE, so stop sailing in here and accusing me of being immature because I GOT FRUSTRATED and talked about it. At this point you're being ruder than the kids who didn't understand that the joke had gone overboard.

Good grief people, since when was I never allowed to be upset or frustrated? I didn't do ANYTHING other than to blog about it. There is nothing worse than someone coming to the scene of a minor accident and tossing out accusations when they didn't see what the hell happened.

I'm serious, if you can't leave it alone and have the maturity to move on, I'm going to start blocking people.

