I meant to post this a while ago. Mainly because it reaffirms that conversations via an IM service like AIM, are often wacky as all get out. lol Seriously though, if I ever do meet basement kitteh, I'm gonna pillow him so hard that he'll land in next week! =P
Aaryanna: Now... I just need my headache to go away and I'll be set.
Allamorph: Then why are you staring at a computer screen?
Allamorph: =P
Aaryanna: I was checking things.
Aaryanna: ._.
Allamorph: You were checking ME.
Aaryanna: does a computer screen make it worse?
Allamorph: Usually.
Aaryanna: *facepalm*
Aaryanna: wut?
Allamorph: Puts a strain on the eyes.
Aaryanna: checking you?
Aaryanna: I was commenting on people's updates silly cat
Allamorph: Even reading can help headaches gain ground sometimes.
Allamorph: Don't lie.
Aaryanna: wut?
Allamorph: You know you liked what you saw.
Aaryanna: What?
Aaryanna: o_O
Aaryanna: You are weird.
Allamorph: I dunno.
Aaryanna: *hits you with pillows*
Aaryanna: ._. Weirdo
Allamorph: Bet you turned a bit red.
Allamorph: HEE HEE
Allamorph: YOU DID
Aaryanna: I was not checking you out though.
Aaryanna: pffffffft
Allamorph: But then you thought about it.
Aaryanna: And who's fault is that?
Allamorph: And you went "OH GOSH I AM SIXTEEN"
Aaryanna: hmmm?
Aaryanna: I BLAME YOU
Allamorph: Although my mother is four years older than my dad.
Aaryanna: *facepalm*
Allamorph: I'm only five older than you.
Allamorph: *cackles*
Aaryanna: You're a terrible tease.
Aaryanna: And I just know you are over there laughing your butt off.
Allamorph: "I R NOT INTO BOYZ"
Allamorph: "DEY HAZ COOTIEZ"
Aaryanna: ¬_¬ They do.
Allamorph: No, but a lot of them has stoopids, so....
Aaryanna: Oh gods yes.
Aaryanna: stoopids and then some
Aaryanna: *headdesk*
Allamorph: But you may not judge.
Allamorph: Because a lot of girls has stoopids too.
Aaryanna: I know.
Allamorph: Everyone needs a partner like themselves.
Allamorph: =P
Allamorph: And whaddyaknow, neither of us are dumb!
Aaryanna: stupid and stupid.... *headesk*
Allamorph: Hey hey hey.
Allamorph: XD
Allamorph: Did you go get your mother to see what a naughty boy I was being?
Aaryanna: no
Aaryanna: You're just being a stinker.
Allamorph: Oh.
Aaryanna: ._.
Allamorph: Well then I guess I can keep being a naughty boy.
Aaryanna: pfffft
Aaryanna: I was saying bye to everyone in chat.
Aaryanna: Since I'm going to go and lie down with my eyes closed for a bit.
Aaryanna: To see if it helps my headache get any better.
Allamorph: Do so.
Allamorph: No dreaming.
Aaryanna: And now that I'm logged out.
Allamorph: Or fantasizing.
Allamorph: *is shot*
Aaryanna: *hits you with a pillow*
Aaryanna: Later FuzzButt!
Allamorph: See ya.