Where I fall

SO YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD THIS WAS...CAUSE MY MP3 PLAYER KEPT GIVING ME DISNEY SONGS OR INSTRUMENTALS. THOSE DON'T WORK. Though I almost write a drabble on an instrumental piece called, "Magic". This one is kinda an instrumental piece. Well it was until someone put lyrics to it. It's originally called, "Death"...and now called, "Where I fall"

I stared up at the stars. Yes. I loved the stars and the moonlit sky. I smiled peacefully as I remembered the days of my past...and how finally things would end properly.

"Don't go!"

Yes. Mother begged me to not join the American Military, but I had to help fight for my country, who else would defeat that darn Hitler? The problem is...I have a secret. I am a spy.

My name is Felix. I am an Italian American with brown hair and grey eyes. I had just turned 20 when I joined the army. Soon after the Italian army contacted me. They knew my father and offered to pay me a lot of money for helping them. So I agreed to spy on the American army for them.

But... I had made so many friends. So many friends. We had trained together and laughed together in boot camp. But things became real so fast. So painfully fast.

We first lost Thomas. He was only 17 years old. Then we lost Fred. That was all my fault. I...I was in a hurry and did not see the hidden mine, but Fred did and pulled me out of the way.

"I will defend your life." he said to me with a smile on his face, "Go home to that girl of yours. The one you carry in your pocket."

And he was gone...

I pulled the picture out of my pocket. Yeah. I had a girl. Her name was Liza. She was my childhood friend and now lover. I promised to wed her when the war ended...
My friends...How many more times will I be allowed to make mistakes? Mistakes that cause deaths, like Fred's?
How many more times will I have to tell the same lies? I keep having to lie to my friends about being on their side. And Liza? She's a lie too. I...don't have anyone who cares about me. The letters I write to her are for the Italian military. Not her. I'm alone...

....I...how many more times will I...have to watch my dear friends die?
They...they keep dying right in front of my eyes. I can't stop it! This is all my fault.

The rest of my troop and I hurried forward under orders. I froze. Up ahead...there were traps ahead laid by the Italians. I knew about them, because they told me. I watched, rain pouring down, trying to decide what to do. Do I protect my new friends? Or do my job?

I bit my lower lip in indecision. Then acted.
The pain. It hurt so much. I...I did it. I protected my friends from the trap. I pushed them back and took on the full force of the attack.
this is where I fall.
I looked up at the stars and moon...my vision fading....
"And I will die,defending your life. Though I wanted only to leave this place with you,
My friends...."

I closed my eyes, a smile on my face as angels wrapped their arms around me and carried me away.
Felix Cristiano Barone
A Hero

Alfred F. Jones placed a ring of flowers on the fallen solider's grave. He saluted the tombstone and walked away. Glad that the boy had made the right decision in the end.
END. UM...yeah. IDK I CAN'T DO THIS...*runs and flees*
