Sorry for not posting more than I should I here! >3< I will try to now, because I have a huge list of people I want to feature!
Anyways, today featured Otaku is Aria Sky or Lea!
I've known Lea for a more than half a year now, but she always has a new, innovated way to inspire me as a fellow artist, wallpaper, iphone, ecard and now icon master! She always gives me great advice and feedback for a lot of my works and she never says no for a favour. She is a very friendly and talented person who I am blessed to have met~~ :D
Please check out her latest world [WHERE SHE'LL MAKE AMAZING ICONS]: *Special* Little [Sweets], which I think she's currently taking requests! ^_^
Here are some of her must-see masterpieces!
1. This wallie is moving! You can see how she skillfully merges and plays around with the backgrounds! Heart's Destruction
2. Such a beautiful iphone wallie. It has a gentle feel to it, with heart-warming colours and quote, titled Butterfly's Magic
3. This ecard titled Imagine Love really calls to me! I just love everything about this ecard. It somehow shows that there's a sad tale behind it all!
My Personal Favourite: Precious Treasure
If you haven't already subbed to her, don't miss the chance to see some truly awesome works!~