External Image

Yup! A place for me!

RPs I'm in: Arrancar Chronicles, Shinigami Academy, Community Fusion, Mythological Creature Club

Other worlds I can post in: Anime/Manga Discussion Page, Shones Kishana, Fanfiction Hostress, The Blade's Edge

Other websites: Fanfiction (Where some of my fics are), DeviantArt(Where some of my other graphics are), LiveJournal (Where majority of my fics will be based on my comm), Squiby (Where I'm trying to adopt all of my host and more~ So please feed them everyday~ Please level up Kyo 2~), the Otaku Host Club(My Room~), PokeFarm (Click my Pokemon~)

Email: [email protected]

I have a facebook, but PM me for that please!

Another Post about Subs (cause I'm too lazy to update the original post and some people better read

Well, if you want me to stay subbed to you...well, I have to like you as I said. And if you don't comment/I don't see you active, I may remove the sub from you (if I have one.) I think I know who I'll be subbed to. The list so far:...

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A Bigger Update?

Well, I am removing subs from people I rarely talk to/hate/don't even know.
So, I might end up having 100 subs or less at the rate I'm removing. (A day or two and I went from 240+ to 110+)
And now...I leave with the spammage.

(From iy_themes on LJ!)


The Axis North Italy [ ] You were bullied a lot in your childhood. [x] You adore pasta, pizza, cheese, and fruit [ ] You're very happy-go-lucky [ ] You constantly have a dozy look on your face as if you're always aw...

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If Ulquiorra sees this...

...then I'm dead. So, I was reading a doujinshi about Ulquiorra...and Nnoitra, and Grimmjow...and Starrk. You get the point. It was very funny. Ulquiorra wanted to be Grimmkitty's fraccion! *shot for the lie* And then Grimmjow...

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Suffer my small update

The only thing I can put is that I added a link to my fanfic world.
Abyss FF (my writing comm on LJ) is also being updated with all my fics!