
I got tagged by Pantera17...I asked for it.

Eye Color: Dark Brown (it's almost black)
Hair Color: Dark brown (ehu in sun)
Height: Like you need to know
Favorite Color: Green, blue, silver, black, and red
Screen Name: HanakoAnimeaddict
Favorite Show: IDK
Your Car: I can't drive!
Your Hometown: Like I'd tell you!
Your Present Town: ...None of your fucking bussiness!
Your First Crush's Name:...My friends don't even know, thought they suspect...
Your Grade: Try to figure it out. I'm a teen that isn't legally able to drive!

Sat on your rooftop? No, or I'd fall five stories.
Kissed someone in the rain? I didn't even have my first kiss!
Danced in a public place? At banquet. Shocked my friends.
Smiled for no reason? yep
Laughed so hard you cried? never
Peed your pants after age 8? Maybe, maybe not.
Written a song? I can't write a poem, much less a song!
Sang to someone for no reason? Tone-deaf, but yes I did.
Performed on a stage? no (stage fright!)
Talked to someone you don't know? yeah.
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? IDK
Made out in a theater? ...
Been in love? ...No.

Say HI to you? ...I forget
Tell you, I love you? Uh...
Kiss you? No one (I'd probably kill them.)
Hug you? No one (read above.)
Tell you BYE? Me!
Write you a note? ...no one.
Take your photo? Thursday, it was...
Buy you something? myself.
Write a poem about you? no one
Touch you? What do you mean by touch?

Time you laughed? A few hours ago...
Time you cried? When I saw that episode of Mystery Diagnosis and the four-year-old boy died.
Song you've sang? I can't remember. It is down to My Humos by Black Eyed Peas, Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it) by Beyonce, or We Will Rock You by Queen (awesome band!)
Time you've looked at the clock? 6:16 PM
Drink you've had? Coke 8D
Book you've read? Eclipse (It sucks! Might help my writer's block though.)
Food you've eaten? Ranch BLT from McDOnalds
Shoes you've worn? Local slippers (at Longs!)
Store you've been in? Sam's Club
Thing you've said? Get the fuck away from me!

Write with both hands? No.
Whistle? Never tried cause my mom would kill me.
Roll your tongue in a circle? ...I never tried.
Cross your eyes? Yes. I get a fucking headache.
Touch your tongue to your nose? no
Dance? I can do those famous dance...
Speak a different language? No, unless you want a crappy one.
Impersonate someone? Never tried.
Make a card pyramid? No
Cook anything? I might burn the apartment.

If I was rich then: I would get a lot of luxuries.
I wish: people would shut up.
So many people don't know that: I want to kill them.
I am: killing people mentally.
My heart is: burning with the need to kill an annoying person.

I will tag anyone who wants to do this!
