1) Name: Abyss
2) Name Backwards: Ssyba
3) Were you named after anyone?: I didn't put my real name!
4) Does your name mean anything?: A deep chasm thingie!
5) Nick Name(s): Abyss, Hanako
6) Screen Name(s): HanakoAnimeaddict, hanakoanime...and others.
7) Date of Birth: June 13, 1996
8) Place of Birth: US
10) Current Location: On Earth.
11) Sign: Sign?
12) Religion: None.
13) Height: Do you really need to know?
14) Weight: I am heavier than 90 lbs
15) Shoe Size: 5?
16) Hair color: Dark brown (ehu?)
17) Eye color: Dark brown
18) What you look like: A human
19) Innie or Outie: Huh?
20) Righty, Lefty, ambidextrous: Right handed
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other: I would say straight...but their is the possiblity of being bi.
22) Best friend(s): Keiko...and others.
23) Best friend you trust the most: Keiko!
24) Best friends {your sex}: Look above.
25) Best friends of the opposite sex: Uh...Harley! 8D
26) Best Bud(s): *skips*
28) Crush: You will never know!
29) Parent(s): Why do you care?
30) Worst Enemy: IDK! I HAVE TOO MUCH!
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): IDK!
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): IDK!
33) Funniest friend: Uh...Tiffany...or Keiko.
34) Craziest friend: Too many to count.
35) Advice Friend: I don't go to friends.
37) Person you cry with: Don't cry often.
38) Any sisters: Unfortunately.
39) Any brothers: Does my cousin who thinks he lives with our family count?
40) Any pets: Shrimp! Everything else dies or is returned.
41) A Disease: Yes, idiotism.
42) A Pager: No
43) A Personal phone line: No, though it'd be cool!
44) A Cell phone: Yes
45) A Lava lamp: No
46) A Pool or hot tub: I wish.
47) A Car: Too young!
Describe Your...
48) Personality: Not going into it.
49) Driving: Nothing...now.
50) Car or one you want: Buggy! I can punch people too!
51) Room: >.<
52) Mmh: F***
53) School: Left
54) Bed: Bunk
55) Relationship with your parent(s): Usual
56) Believe in yourself: Depends
57) Believe in love at first sight?: NOPE.
58) Consider yourself a good listener: No.
60) Get Along with your parents: Didn't you ask?
61) Save your e-mail conversations: Yeah...soemtimes.
62) Pray: Depends.
63) Believe in reincarnation: YES.
64) Like to make fun of people: Depends.
65) Like to talk on the phone: No.
66) Like to eat: Not obssessed.
67) Like to drive: I DON'T DRIVE!
68) Get motion sickness: I don't think so.
69) Eat the stems of broccoli: WTF?!
70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: Huh?
71) Dream in color: Yeah.
72) Type with your fingers on home row: Huh?
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: Yes
74) Right next to you: TV!
75) On the walls of your room: Why are you asking?
76) On your mouse pad: Mouse.
77) Your dream car: You asked this!
78) Your dream date: Uh.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: Las Vegas!
80) Your dream wife: *blinks*
81) Your bedtime: Depends
82) Under your bed: Mess
83) The single most important question: HUH?
84) Your bad time of the day: School time.
86) The weather like: HUH?!
87) The time: 3:37 PM
88) The date: June 27, 2010
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: Depends
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: I forget.
91) Theme Song: Alones by Aqua Rimez or Rolling Star by YUI or Ichirin no Hana by High and Mighty Color or Colors of the Heart by UVERworld or Aozora no Namida by Hitomi Takahashi, etc.
92) The hardest thing about growing up: "Friend" (girls, you know what that is)
93) Your funniest experience: When my friend got angry at me for pointing at every Bella/Edward picture saying "proof" at B&N.
94) Your scariest moment: When I met my sister.
95) The silliest thing you've ever said: *ignores*
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex: I asked if he loved me (well, I was just trying to see if it was true or not, and he was like WTH?! And then I laughed...and tried to get him to dance at our banquet just for something funny!)
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): IDK!
99) The best feeling in the world: Depends
100) 5 people you tag: NO ONE!

-Tag at least 6 people.
-Be honest...

01. What are your favorite things about theOtaku?
Um...the trophies and the awesome work!

02. What are the most detestable things you found on this site?
The people who flame (though there aren't much). If you want something to change, then say it politely or nicely.
And, the fact that some artist that are really good get little to no appreciation!

03. What's your hope when you subscribe to someone?

04. If you were given the chance to change a feature of this site, what would that be?
I would probably change the fan words feature. It's hard to understand the rules for it, so I'd at least explain it better.

05. Do you like meeting new members, why?
Depends, because the members may be rude or just here just to be here.

06. What do you like most in some of theO members?
They bother to look at my stuff!

07. Do you have something you hate in some of the members?

08. Lastly, what do you think of these questions? Do you think they shouldn't have been made?
They are okay...and I think others should be short and meaningful like this!

Poochy, Momo, 21Emmz12, paw96w, Hita, and Valde1 are tagged!
