
Prove Your Dedication!


1 Title this as, “I Proved It!”
2 Tag 5 people

1-The anime I am using is called: Prince of Tennis
2-My favorite character is: Momoshiro
3-I seriously hate: Tezuka
4-I have a OC for it! His/Her name is...:...I don't have one...I hate OCs now in fandoms...unless it's original
5-I really, really, REALLY wish this character was real: Momo and Kaido!

6 [] I own the full season/series
7 [x] I can quote it.
8 [] I know all the voice actors of the main rolls
9 [] I can sing the opening or closing theme song.
10 [] I can sing the opening or closing theme song in Japanese.

11 I started watching….A few years ago *wait! this is anime?! i thought it was manga!*
12 I love it when…..Momo and Kaido fight!
13 I heard of this from/by…Toonami
14 I wish I could change…. The hate between the two fave characters.
15 When I hear/see someone talk about it I….don't hear it.

16 I collect something that has to do with it Yes[x] No[]
17 If I ever heard there’s going to be another season/volume I would freak out Yes [x] No []
18 I always correct someone if they say something wrong that involve it Yes [] No [x]
19 This series has been my avatar before Yes [] No [x]
20 I’ve had a dream about it before Yes [x] No []
