Lets go!

I was awakened by a bird chirping on my Window.I throw the covers off and jumped out of bed.

Looking in a Mirror at my hair,"Whoa!major bed head.",i shock my hair into place and ran a brush through it.
I went to my closet and got my shirt and pants,and all of my other pieces of cloths I wear.

Going down the stairs,jumping over the rail into the kitchen,i prepared my breakfast.Which was simple,Toast and Milk.I also feed our pet cat,Yuu,his breakfast.
I then went to check on my Mother,still sleeping peacefully. I started up her breakfast and left her a note saying "I'm going to school now! love you."
I ran out the Door with my bang in hand and toast in my mouth.

While Running and eating,i waved at the Villagers.Occasionally saying Good Morning to them.
When I made it to the school,i was surrounded by some of the girls from different classes.Chatting with them for awhile,i then ditched them trying to get to class.

I finally made it to my class,Avoiding as many girls as I could. i sat at my desk,talking to some of my class mates.

I started thinking,"Can we get this test over with now?"
