Lunch break

After a few more exercises and snoozes in class Iruka dismissed us for lunch.

I lazily raised from my desk after sleeping and went to my locker. i opened it to drop my bag in it and hung my coat up too.Looking around first to see if there were any girls, none to see, I took off my top shirt and placed it in the locker too.Grabbing a step counter out of the locker and then slamming it shut. i started walking outside,fiddling with the counter.

While walking to a door outside, I heard some girls going "ooooohhhh" as i passed by with my thin exercise shirt on. I heard one girl say "nice muscles" as she passed me, I turned a little red as I looked at my arms and torso.

I got outside and attached the counter to my ankle and started doing a fast jog around and way from the school. Waving to some villages, girls,and some friends. after i got away from some people and mostly outdoor on the path, I noticed Narumi and Raijin and started slowing my pace to stop in front of them and walk over to where they were sitting.

"Hey you two! On a date,i see?" i said to them,teasing them a little.
