November 12, 2010 12:30pm

Long time no see! I dfgdhjklhjhgfdf;'';ol'

That paragraph was accidental... I'm so sorry. My friend looked over at my first blog post and our sub was right there and he saw the picture but she scrolled up super fast, so he has no idea what it was. I meant to warn her that he was walking over here but I just couldn't find the words cause she ended up screaming in the middle of homeroom. Ah, poor Na-chan XD (Ace of Hearts). She's died a little, the poor thing. I don't think I should post yaoi pictures on my blog anymore... For the world and Na-chan's safety. LOL

I don't think I have much to say anymore.

Here's the fanart of the day! (chosen by Na-chan, thank you!)
