Oh Sh*t


I closed my eyes and listened. I could gear the hoof beats of the horses as they ran through the woods. My eyes opened wide. "WE GOTTA GO NOW!" Hattress nodded and ran towards Dormouse and his new acquaintances. I turned to Alice and March Hare. "There are horses coming this way! We gotta go!" Alice's eyes widened, but March Hare turned towards the woods. "Bring em on! I can take them!!" I bonked him over the head and hissed. "Don't be stupid!" He just blinked at me. "Stupid?..." I grabbed Alice's hand and started after Hatress. March Hare was still standing there. I growled and grabbed him by the arm and started dragging him too. He really wasn't worried about the possibility of losing his head. My ears twitched as I heard them getting closer. We were going too slow! They were gonna catch us!! "Hare move your a*s or I'll leave you!" I shoved Alice on ahead. Why was I trying to help him? What happened to all my talk of ditching them the first sign of trouble? Why couldn't I do it?! I saw the first horseman and my heart froze.
