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~ myO member
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~ TimeChaser

I just bought it and the first track is called "Michi" - hm...
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- Bossman Commentary
Thank you to the ONE person who chose Bossman Commentary, I appreciate it :).
I know that this is how everything is probably marketed in China--and the rest of Asia for that matter--with scantily clad women. But given how many women are gamers and PlayStation customers these days, I'm surprised that Sony didn't realize how bad photos like this look:

Quick update about my eyes. They're still healing (I hope!). I have to take a lot of eyedrops. My eyes dry out easily and my right eye feels "off" - left one is definitely crisper, which makes me feel cross-eyed/strained sometimes. The pollen in the air made me quite unhappy a couple days ago but that's settled down a lot.
A little bit more healing and I'll be happy with things. Some days things regress and I feel a bit of despair wondering what I did, other days my eyes feel promising and I'm incredibly relieved. It's a roller coaster, a test of nerves.
999 is available on iPhone. I strongly recommend buying it, it's one of the best visual novels I've ever played. Think slightly interactive, slightly animated manga. The closest anime that comes to mind is Death Note (even though the stories are completely different).
I'll have a longer post on the interesting details later but everything so far everything seems to be going well. It usually takes a couple weeks to have vision at 100% again (a bit blurry now) and a few months to stop taking so many eyedrops). But so far so good!
I also had to keep my eyes closed for 3-4 days straight, which was an interesting/zen experience.