This special, unique one-time 'deal' has an expiration date: midnight on Friday April 11th.
I will sign the guestbook of every single member who comments on this WORLD post tomorrow.
My throat feels strange and I'm paranoid it means I'm going to get sick soon, so I need the good I really don't want to get sick now, I have so many kickboxing class appointments...SIGH
Also: Crucially important question to artists. Where do you go to make prints of your work to sell? Are there good online services?
Today we unveiled a light purple WORLD theme (the one in use now). Thanks to Mike we're going to be unveiling FOUR new ones in the coming days ahead.
We made a post a couple weeks ago asking for your input in what WORLD theme colors you'd like to see. We listened closely, so I recommend finding that post if you need help guessing.
I'd like to learn more about the guy I'm going to interview soon. Can all experts on TM Revolution comment here with links to YouTube videos of any big songs/concerts of his most popular/famous work?
I took an intro shaolin kickboxing class today. There's a huge problem though: I wear glasses and kickboxing is heavy on contact.
I have four options:
(1) Take off the glasses but see everything as a blur
(2) Try contact lenses
(3) Get goofy sports glasses with straps
(4) Take up another activity
Option #1: Take off glasses
I could get by without glasses but it's really uncomfortable seeing the world as a blur for 1-2 hours.
Option #2: Try contact lenses
Contact lenses frighten me. I tried them when I was young and I couldn't get them in my eyes, it was a painful trial. Plus they'd be more $$$. How much do contact lenses even cost??
Option #3: Get goofy sports glasses
I'd look like a complete idiot.
Option #4: Try something else
This option is a bit depressing. When I was younger and took Kung Fu my eyes were good enough where I didn't have to wear my glasses for class. Now I can't even read the text on the computer screen without them.
What should I do??
I'm not sure if this is due to my internet connection/browser.
When I'm browsing fan art or wallpapers, on every single page, 1 or 2 thumbnails won't load. Sometimes the thumbnail will only load 50% then stop. After refreshing a couple times I can get them to load though, so the images are there.
Does this happen to anyone else?
I'm back from DC, by some miracle it didn't rain.
Also, I don't like the name "Statistics" for the main page of the backroom, anyone have a better name? I'm leaning toward Overview. If anyone can come up with something better by tomorrow, you got it.