Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser


I'm seeing Avatar tomorrow afternoon in IMAX 3D, I'm so psyched.

I'm hoping it becomes our fastest title ever to receive 100+ learnings on the new movie site.

Edition Skinny

Why is the new upgrade to theOtaku called "Edition Skinny"?

Because we desperately need to put theOtaku on a diet, we've become a bit bloated and messy over the last year.

There are some things on theO that are working super well (e.g. challenges) and some things that aren't (e.g. how fan words works and is structured).

There are some features that used to be super popular back in the day that no one uses anymore because their online habits have changed (back when facebook et al didn't exist), there are some areas we've gotten lazy in.

Overall though I think that the idea is that theO needs to be "smaller" not "bigger" - with Edition Skinny I'm going to treat every single page as its own mini-website - they'll all need to stand on their own or off they go.

I also want to focus more on just anime and manga. I tried to reach too far by focusing on all these other areas like TV and it's become a huge mess. Do we really need a Two and a Half Men category?

We'll clean the fat, and do a much better job with what's left. I think that's our best shot.

I'm always going to be our harshest critic, and that's usually a good thing.

Beth On Comments

I just showed Beth on IM how comments will look like in Edition Skinny. Here's what she said:

really nifty, btw
people will really like it



I just read that there's an estimated:100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe, each with an average of maybe 3 planets.

Aren't you happy you live in a place with as many mysteries as ours? @_@

Random Adam is Pineapple

You know more people die by elephants trampling them than shark attacks? But elephants are cute so no one fears them.

Desbreko is really awesome, except for the part about liking underaged girls.