I realized today that all the posts I make are pretty random. Should I keep that up or is there a particular type of post you most enjoy?
I dropped an atomic bomb on 100Things last night by plugging it in theOtaku's newsletter. The results?
104 new members
1,200 visitors
120 new learnings
500 votes
Otaku are the win.
I'm strongly thinking adopting 100Things' layout to the main pages of Fan Art, Wallpapers, etc.
Right now we just show a boring 4X4 grid of thumbanils. I want something more dynamic with like a featured work, showing a bunch of newly added works, most active commenters for that section, etc.
If it was up to you, what would the main page of Fan Art look like? What information do you think is most important?
Top Commenters? New Challenges? Random Works?
I'm excited to grant one fortunate quiz maker our first green custom title.
Also, I'm looking for one or two right-hand people for 100Things to watch new releases and break them down into lists. You'll get a Netflix account out of it :-) Visit the site for details.
Many of my favorite members registered and already contributed to the new site. Sweet!
We already have 416 learnings which is way more than I was expecting in such a short period of time. I have a feeling we'll cross the 500 mark tomorrow morning/afternoon.
I already 'see' what the site will look like a year from now should it keep things going. It'll be exciting ^_^. I'm fighting to get you guys prizes for contests too.
Beta Step 1: Create elite team
Beta Step 2: Draw on the power of all theOtaku Members
Beta Step 3: Send a newsletter announcement to our 50-60 thousand subscribers
Before we can do Step 3 though, I have to streamline the approval process and remix the main page a little.
You might think this is a random project that won't impact theO at all - not at all! It's part of a complex master plan...*evil laugh*
Two things:
(1) I added a new Edition Skinny feature tonight. It's related to our PM system and a feature that people have been asking for for a long time.
(2) What are the best-designed WORLDS on our network? I kind of want to customize mine a bit more and need some role models.