Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Test Post


Cool Quiz

I highly recommend taking Indi's new personalit quiz, it's one of the best we've ever published. ;-)

Second Best Adam Avatar Remix EVER!

Thanks to Japan86:

External Image

The first one was too much 0wnage for me to post here

Wallpaper Related Words?

What are some words related to wallpapers? You can be as creative as you like

Here are some ideas:

Aspect Ratio

What do you think??

Quick Notes

-- I dropped the link to our WORLDS portal from the header. It was about as popular as my personal blog, lol, which isn't even linked on every page in the header.

-- We're off to a great start for publishing one new quiz every day. We already have a backlog.

-- I put a link on every page to promote our quiz slam to give that day's published quiz some extra attention. We'll see how it effects traffic to the quiz site.

-- I saw Halle Berry today and went to an African art exhibition

-- We're thinking about making our leaderboard rankings 1 year instead of all time. There are some members on the all time ranking who left the site years ago and it doesn't seem fair to feature them over newer members who work super hard every day contributing something. What do you think?