Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Master Motivator

I told Beth that I need her to fly to New York City to keep me motivated to do things.

"Stop oversleeping! Get out of bed!"

"Don't forget to eat breakfast!"

"Stop playing poker and add MOAR FEATURES!"

I think my productivity would increase by 500%. Seriously. Anyway, because of her prodding I added a lot of fun, new font options to the site. Hope you enjoy them...

Here's my song of the moments:

Vampire Thoughts

A few vampire related things...

(1) The trailer for the next Twilight movie is online. Twilight amuses me in its silliness, so I enjoyed the trailer.

(2) The director of Oldboy just came out with a vampire movie. I've seen three of his films and only really liked Oldboy, but I hope to find an opportunity to see the new one.

(3) Last week I saw Let The Right One In. That was a good vampire movie, especially the ending.

(4) I've been hearing that True Blood is a fantastic TV series. What do you think?

(5) I'm so, so, so blessed that I'm not a vampire. I can't think of an unhappier existence.

(6) The best vampire movie ever made is Werner Herzog's Nosferatu. It makes Twilight look like a Disney channel straight-to-DVD film.

My Chat Hiatus

I've been taking a vacation from theOtaku's chat room. The stakes are just too high right now and I need to focus.

It's been HARD and I'm suffering through serious chat withdrawal.

Tonight I was dying, dying, dying of boredom and every instinct of mine was pulling me toward chat.


Plagiarism Vigilantism

You're sitting in a classroom. You studied all month for a test and the teacher passes out the papers.

Just when you're about to finish, out of the corner of your eye you see the new kid, who just moved to the neighborhood and is sitting a few seats in front of you, looking over and copying someone else's work. What nerve!

What do you do?

(1) After class, once everyone's left, you mention this to the teacher who will address it with the student directly, causing minimal fuss

(2) Since he's the new kid and you're quite popular, you organize everyone else in the classroom to get revenge. You have the bigger kids beat up on him in gym class. You spray paint "CHEATER" to his locker. You have the loud kids taunt him as he's walking from place to place. You ruin his reputation with all the girls in the school assuring he won't have a date to the big dance. You get some people to prank call his house, and harass him so much that he gets driven out of town

While both methods will ensure some sort of "justice" the problem with method #2 is that it encourages people to do things that are either on par with or worse than the original problem.

Now look what the poor teacher has to deal with:
(1) She has to deal with the cheater
(2) She has to send the bullies to detention
(3) She has to have a meeting with the girls and a counselor to tell them to stop spreading nasty rumors
(4) She has to answer to the parents who keep getting prank called
(5) She has to call the janitor to clean up the graffiti
(6) She has to gather the entire class to the auditorium to listen to a speech about how to handle problems responsibly

Suddenly, the innocent teacher's life becomes orders of magnitude more complicated.

The moral of the story is that we have processes in place for plagiarism and while by stirring up a ruckus you think you're hurting the plagiarist, you're really only hurting the community and the poor teacher who has to sort through everything.

This isn't directed to any one member. It's something that's been happening for as long as theOtaku has been online.

Pokemon Song Mystery

The other day I checked my voicemail on my landline phone and the theme song to the Pokemon TV show echoed loudly through my room. I don't mind this because I love the Pokemon theme song, but I'd like to know who the culprit was.

There are only two members who've called my landline on me (Katana and Japan86). Both deny having done it.
