Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser


Here are the results of my last three jogs each for roughly 1.5 miles

(1) 17.5 minutes
(2) 18.5 minutes
(3) 15.5 minutes

Instead of jogging though I really should be eating massive quantities of food, I've become much skinnier than I want to be...I went from 175ish pounds to 165ish. Not good.

Crazy Day...

(1) I randomly ended up meeting Gina Carano, one of my favorite MMA fighters, and I randomly had my Muay Thai equipment so she signed my gloves.

(2) I found a $50 bill on the road.

(3) Someone put me down as a job reference and I woke up to the hiring manager calling me and asking for information on that person. I did the best I could, I hope they get the job...

Unfortunate Members

A couple times a year we have to deal with a member who sends explicit PMs to other members. This breaks my heart :(

One of the obstacles that inevitably arise is that people often just ignore the PMs, not blocking the offending member and not reporting them.

To combat this, I made two key changes:

(1) In the nav bar, instead of simply saying "Privacy" we have it say "Block Members" - I think a lot of people didn't even realize we offered this ability

(2) At the top of your inbox, we have some text telling you how to report offending members and how to block them.

I hope this helps keep our members safe and comfortable moving forward.

AMV Creator?

Does anyone personally know or KNOW OF a great anime music video creator?

I need someone to make the official trailer for my upcoming video game.

This is AAA important.

Art Of Otaku Testimonial

Can you believe Art Of Otaku is like 4 years old?

Here's a testimonial I got in my email box today:

Regarding the guide I purchesed from you...In my personal opinion it is a Fun and highly informative read. NEVER in all my years of trying to improve my manga have I ever come across a guide that is as comprihensive and user friendly as Art Of Otaku.

I'll admit I did have my doubts about it at first but you have far surpassed my expectations with this, which may be Damming your product with false praise because honestly I didn't expect much from it due to a history of crappy high priced "How to draw" books leaving me very jaided and skeptical. As for the price I was very pleased with the $20.00 price point, it was more than fair, however I would gladly have paid over $10,000.00 for Art of Otaku because of one reason, it rekindled my passion for drawing manga and anime, which was a passion that I truely thought I had lost for ever.

So I would just like to say "Thank You" to you and all the artist that worked so hard on this book.

Over $10,000? Maybe I should change the price, that would take me out of debt pretty quickly!