Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Airport Posting

Hi otakus, I'm in the airport now ready to return to NYC from Oregon. theO News is on the way and I'm excited about it for a few reasons:

(1) It'll make the main page look "fresher" since there'll be new material every day linked there

(2) Like we had before each story will optionally link to a work of fan art on our site, people always like getting their works linked that that

(3) The emphasis this time around will be on quantity and not length, the purpose of the site is to give you a quick news overview and then facilitate discussion

(4) I'm hoping this site'll give members who aren't AS interested in artistic things a venue to participate and enjoy the community

(5) It'll give our elite podcasters sweet fodder

If you haven't already please consider applying to be staff on this site. You can find information here.

*Waves* Wish me a pleasant flight...

New Website Announcement

Not only will I be creating a video game and supervising the creation of theO News, but I'm pleased to announce that, within the next few months, I'll be launching a new website not related to anime/manga.

The new site is a small one that I hope will run itself after launch. theOtaku is a MASSIVE site so it'll be a relief to tackle something on a much much smaller scope. The new site is related to video games. The details are a secret right now but I can say that it'll be a useful site for gamers, proving a service that no other site online offers.

Basically no one will want to buy a video game without first checking this site out.

If the site does OK then it'll be a nice service for video game fans. If it takes off then I have ideas on how to make it into something grander!

Mother 3 Vs. Lost Odyssey

I'm about 10 hours into Lost Odyssey and ended up switching to playing Mother 3 via GBA ROM + Emulator + Translation Patch. You can get all the details for downloading it at mother3.fobby.net

I don't know if Mother 3'll be able to hold my interest until the very end but so far it's had some fantastic scenes. For example, consider the following dialogue:

"I have good news and bad news..."
"I'll start with the good news"
"I found a DRAGO fang, which'll make a great weapon for you"
"And the bad news. How do I put this?"
"I, um..."
"I found the DRAGO fang through the heart of your wife"

Then when you talk to a pig:

"I always wanted to see the ocean"

and the pig next to it:

"I always wanted to see a pig seeing the ocean"

Anyway if you want to play a fun, humorous JRPG get crackin'

Making Room

I did something potentially life-changing yesterday: I archived all the mail in my inbox so that when I login to Gmail now, I see nothing but new emails

Life feels so much less cluttered now. I read a good article once that when you clear away the old, you make room for the new

For example imagine if you had 100 names in your cell phone and you deleted them down to the 15 people you actually talk to

Suddenly, you're like "woah! I have a lot of room to add new names!" and that kind of nudges you to make more friends

OK, maybe that's a little bit of a stretch, but you get my point I hope...

What old stuff can you clear out to make room for the new?

the O

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How are you?