Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

On Voting

I spent the weekend canvassing for the candidate I support this round (Obama). Living in NYC a lot of people have the attitude that since NY will definitely go Democrat, that there's no point in voting.

The problem is that, with voting, the more votes a candidate gets in the popular count, the bigger a mandate they have to drive through their agenda. So even if your candidate will win your state anyway you can still help them out by taking the time to cast your ballot.

Don't forget to vote tomorrow!

Also, check out my Vampire Hunter Interview. This was a hard one to do since both were men of few words and were clearly exhausted when I talked to them.

Recession Buckling

Well the US economy is in bad shape and will inevitably get worse. I'm going to have to start to think about ways to buckle down and fortify. I vividly remember the .com explosion that impacted the site heavily back in the day.

Remember, to increase profits there are two paths:

(1) Increase your revenue
(2) Reduce your costs

Often people spend the majority of their financial time trying to think of ways just to reduce their costs. This is HARD though. It's often just as easy to increase revenue as it is to reduce costs

Why not spend 50% of that time on reducing costs and 50% thinking of ways to increase revenue instead?

Here are some ways I can reduce costs:

(1) I can cook more often instead of buy from outside,
(2) I can limit video game purchases (this'll be a hard one), maybe to one purchase a month used, and sell the games I don't play anymore
(3) me purchases (this'll be a hard one)

However, these are for the most part optional costs. Eating out, video games, etc. aren't the same as shelter, health insurance, and college loan payments. Having a plan in case everything goes to hell is a good idea. For me, I'd probably move back with my parents or find an emergency job until things stabilized.

As you know, I'm always trying new ways to increase revenue, sometimes with success often without. Here are three examples:

(1) I'm making a game that could become a hit
(2) Making theO Premium
(3) The buy1get1free Art Of Otaku sale


The thing with growing revenues is that if you're successful with something there's no ceiling as to how successful it can be. On the other hand if you're cutting costs, there are only so much you can cut.

Win or lose you have to keep trying... Just remember it's much more fun and has many more long-term benefits (relationships, experience, etc.) to focus on growing revenues vs. cutting costs.

BRAID Princess Chase Sequence

Anyone who has a 360 should consider buying BRAID. Anyone who's never going to play it should go on youtube and find the ending with the princess chase sequence. It's one of the most amazing/artistic reversals I've seen in a video game...

Can Anyone Draw Like This?

Can anyone here draw a background image *as good* as the background image in this screen shot:

External Image

If so, I have a paid project for you.

Too Many Cats

There are too many cat pictures floated around. Here's something to balance them all out:

External Image

I saw the movie My Blueberry Nights...it's a film by Wong Kar Wai, a legendary HK director, but the movie takes place in the US with a Western cast.

My central problem with the movie, and I had other problems, was that I didn't *like* some of the characters I was supposed to like. When you don't like a character, you can't empathize or sympathize with them and then you stop caring about the plot in general.

The movie had nice visuals though and can you believe it starred Norah Jones, the singer? She did an OK job, though I wish her speaking voice was closer to her singing voice.

My question of the night: Who is your most liked character and why do you like them?