Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Test Test

Multiple Video Test:

Big Days

I have to prepare for my panel on Friday that I predict roughly five people will attend because of the timing (who comes to conventions in the middle of the day on a Friday?) and will probably let members ask questions for my upcoming interviews with various industry celebrities.

My interview with Chef Morimoto should be the highlight for me.

Also, can you believe that Ramen deleted my phone number from her cell phone? I was so sad.

Her number in my cell of course has stars next to it and is on speed dial


The two episode Heroes premier was today.

It was entertaining enough, not on par with Season 1, but it was fine TV nonetheless.

Still watching LOST.

Our ad server has been acting funny today so I'm temporarily taking ads off theO. Hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow.

There's a good chance that Piano Squall will be the music composer for my game, how cool is that?


I've been watching the show LOST from the very beginning at ABC.com. They have all the episodes from all the seasons free. So far I'm enjoying it a lot! I must say though that the sheer number of reversals is getting silly. I can't wait to catch up.

I also look forward to watching the new season of HEROES tomorrow. Make sure you don't miss that one.

I can't believe Chigo returned!!

They say "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" but I think I'm probably the opposite, I need to be working on an epic project or else I start to turn dull. My game is taking up a lot of my energy BUT theO will be unveiling some big new additions soon, so stay tuned for that.

Premium Ad Links - Huge Feature

Today we launched theOtaku.com Premium Ad Links...I think it's the biggest feature yet for premium members--free and fun advertising. I'm looking forward to seeing the types of ads people start to put up. If it's a lot of junk/spam/nonsense we're going to take down the feature, I'm hoping to see creative and interesting advertising.