Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Commercial I Can't Stand

I'd never want to work with a company that "never slept" - what's wrong with sleep?? All creativity comes from taking breaks.

If I ran a competing bank I'd have a commercial similar to the Mac-PC ads. I'd have a drugged-up, bug-eyed, shaking crazy person saying "I never sleep, I never sleep" and then I'd have the well rested, solid, normal person.

Worth A Try...

The odds are slim I bet, but does anyone know any iPhone SDK developers? I have a paid project for one.

Sunday Random Question

If you could only bring one video game with you on a desert island what game would it be?

Handy Help...

I have a smoke alarm next to my kitchen.

I HATE it with all my soul. It goes off almost every time I try to cook something.

My building manager gave me a dust cover to wrap around it, but it still goes off.

Frustrated, one day, I removed the battery and let it dangle by its wires.

It still went off(!) The smoke detector has wired backup.

I need help from someone handy...I imagine some sort of solution where I can build something like a box that attaches to the ceiling, covering the smoke detector and can then be removed.

What if the box also had a sliding door at the bottom so it could always stay there and you can open and close it depending on whether you were cooking?

How could this be accomplished?

(1) How could I attach and detach this box-like thing to the ceiling without doing permanent damage? Velcro? Is there something better, some sort of removal paste?

Does anyone have any ideas??

Iron Chef Adam

(I tried to go to sleep but I ended up just tossing and turning so I'm here.)

As many of you know I'm a huge fan of cooking and the Food Network

I found out today that Chef Morimoto will be a guest of honor at the New York Anime Festival. This means that I might get a chance to privately interview him for half an hour.

I'm a big fan of both Iron Chef and Iron Chef America and he was the only iron chef on both.

External Image

I saw him before walking on the street (I also saw Batali and Flay), but it'll be fun to talk to him live.

There are other guests who I'll get to interview too, including the original Japanese voice of Chii from Chobits.

On another note I just bought a big tub of protein powder, I'm going to be adding them to my post-workout milkshakes. I tried one today and was amazed, I could barely taste the 26 extra grams of protein. Awesome.