Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Longer Quick Notes

How To Become Fit

I'm convinced that the only way to become motivated enough to go to the gym on a regular basis over a long period of time is to take a class or join a sport that involves some sort of physical movement at least twice a week.

The hardest part of working out is fighting the inertia of not working out and unless you have a class like that, it becomes very easy to fall back into a state of inertia.

That's one of the big side effects of taking JuJitsu is that it keeps me exercising the rest of the week.

If any of you want to immediately improve your quality of life, find any sort of physical class...yoga, martial arts, some sort of school sport, etc. Not only will you learn or improve at a skill but it'll keep you exercising and healthy the rest of the week.


Switching Up The Game Addiction

I realized I was spending an exorbitant amount of time playing Dr. Mario. I then realized that I had a pile of Wii games I never finished, including Zelda Twilight Princess. Since I'm working on a play I thought that if I switched from Dr. Mario to Zelda, I'd get the same amount of fun (maybe a little less because Dr. Mario rocks), but perhaps something in the Zelda storyline might inspire an improvement to my play


I Hate Event Planning

I hate, hate, hate event planning. When I was helping plan AnimeFF that was one of the most stressful things I ever worked out. Now I got roped into planning a small party and hate that just as much. This'll be the last time, next time (if there is a next time) I'll just hire a professional party planner to do it all for me.


Play First Draft Almost Done

I'll probably take my play through a couple more drafts before I call it finished but Draft #1 is almost done. I should probably spend more time on my game label but I'm waiting until I get a new computer. For now the play is keeping me plenty busy...

Premium Notes

We finally launched theO Premium. As James mentioned on his WORLD, this is something I've really wanted to do for maybe 3-4 years, so I'm happy it's finally online.

How did the launch day go?

Well, programming-wise everything went without a hitch. The first couple PayPal orders were strangely charged a $5 shipping fee, but I refunded those and fixed the glitch that led to it.

People seem to love the streamlined layout as they browse as their favorite feature.

Thanks to all new theO Premium subscribers for your support. We'll have the amazing RightStuf discount for you soon. We'll also be adding more premium benefits over time as more people join.


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theO Premium

We're going to have full PayPal support tomorrow

Not only that but when you subscribe to premium, there's no wait-time, your account is automatically updated to premium status.

W00t, w00t, party.

Day Wasted?

I don't know what I did today. After a promising beginning where I got a lot of work done, I suddenly felt a strange numbness in parts of my body and that freaked me out so I just played Dr. Mario and watched TV.

I can't believe it's already 2-3 AM, I feel like I just woke up not long ago.

Anyway, with premium launching Wednesday, I'm not sure about two things:

(1) If we'll have the RightStuf deal for launch, hopefully we will but it might be a little after
(2) If we'll take PayPal for launch--if we do there's a chance it'll take a little extra time to process (like 24 hours) instead of instantly

I've been reading a book on Playwriting recently, has given me a lot of great tips that I'm incorporating in my first play.