Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Sunday Notes

-- I've been putting less emphasis on push ups and more emphasis on pull ups. I was never able to do pull ups when I was a kid and was always embarrassed in gym class for them...right now I can do about 2, with practice I have a goal of being able to first do 5 and then eventually do 10. Then I can go back in time and when the younger version of me is called to the pull up bar, I can take his place and do amazing

-- We have a ton of cool features coming soon thanks to M&M (mike and massin).

-- I had a dream last night where I was at a big house party hosted by Ichigo and Batou from the podcast/AP

-- Chat related video:

-- My play is coming along really well...I'm thinking...wouldn't it be cool to rent a theatre here, find a few actors, market the thing, charge money for entrance, and try my hand at becoming a play producer? I don't know anything about plays but not knowing anything about something has never stopped me before from doing a good job at it...

Premium Feature

One of the things I'm excited about with premium is that it'll give more people the chance to read my book, Artpreneurship, since it comes free with every premium account. If anyone skips over this benefit they're making a huge mistake.

This was a book I spent a lot of time to write, but almost no time to actually promote--almost all the orders were from old Art Of Otaku customers.

So many of our visitors are interested in going into the arts. However, maybe only 10% know what that actually entails.

Artpreneurship is unique in that it has a TON of my knowledge as well as four lengthy interviews with battle-hardened, successful artists, so that artists can know what they're getting into before they make any life-changing decisions.

Here's an email I got from one of the buyers:

I'm so glad to have been given the opportunity to do business with you again! I was very impressed by your last book (Art of Otaku), but Artpreneurship is absolutely brilliant. Not only is it informative, but it's actually entertaining to read. The examples are vivid and well grounded. The aspect that I find best about it, however, is that Artpreneurship isn't as cold and impersonal as most 'break into the business' books. The advice is genuine and to the point. I would definitely recommend this book to any aspiring artist.

Artpreneurship normally sells for $20, but it's yours free with a premium account. I bought textbooks back in college for $100 with 1/10th the practical ideas as Artpreneurship.


As you get older, whenever you have to spend money on necessary evils, one of the first things you do is to think of all the cool stuff you could have bought with that money instead. I have two follow up dentist's appointments to go to, which will be a lot of $$$

Work continues on Premium and we'll probably add a necessary new feature this week, too.

Oh Noes

As some of you might remember, I had a wisdom tooth removed about three months ago. Now, another of my wisdom teeth are bothering me. Ugh, I'm trying everything to see if I can "heal" it on my own without having to spend another fortune and discomfort getting it removed...though I kinda know it's an exercise in futility.

Wish me luck.

I was 10 pounds when I was born--a very fat baby--were you a fat baby, a medium baby, or a tiny baby?

Quick Notes

-- I have a really sore throat from BJJ because we were practicing chokes. I'm hoping it heals quickly, it's painful when I swallow

-- I'm going to be in the audience of the Maury show on Aug. 20th

-- theO Premium launches on August 20th

-- I'm working on getting more celebrity VA chats, there might be one coincidentally, also on August 20th...