Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Quick Notes

-- The Olympic opening ceremony was just mind-blowing, almost scary in a way. As I read in a news publications, only an authoritarian country could have pushed through such excesses.

-- My play is almost done, it'll probably end up lasting only 15 minutes if done, so I could beef it up a bit :)

-- I'm glad you like comment editing.

-- I'm up to 60 push-ups following the hundredpushups.com workout. It's an increase in 30% since I started.

Premium Launch Next Big Update

I have a lot to catch up with now that my computer is fixed. I have a great idea for a play that I'm going to work on as a third pet project.

I realized something in my time without computer--I'm MUCH more productive watching TV than browsing the Internet. When I'm watching TV, there are commercials and I don't have to put 100% of my attention to it. I'll often have a notebook where I'm sketching out ideas.

When I'm browsing the Internet, I have to put enough attention to read and click and there are no commercials.

We're going to launch theOtaku Premium soon (1-2 weeks). It's such an amazing package of benefits now and we're going to add more in the future. I already have a premium feature in mind that will blow all other features mentioned out of the water.

Back Online

My computer has successfully been repaired. First I went to Geek Squad to do it but they wanted to charge $199, then I went to FireDog and they charged $60. Not bad.

If you remember I wanted to spend half my time and above working on my pet projects...sadly theO is a jealous mistress and keeps causing problems that are forcing me to spend time on it. Sigh.

Here's a delightful fan art:

External Image

Everything Keeps Breaking...

And I thought Friday was bad(!)

I spent something like 8 hours on my Saturday fixing our ad server's software, which suddenly decided to start glitching out. A huge waste of time.

And then, this morning, I turn on my computer and it gives an error message along the lines of "WINDOWS CANNOT LOAD BECAUSE SYSTEM32 IS CORRUPT" - I tried everything but that error message kept coming up. So yeah, my computer suddenly died on me (need to take it to a repair shop now.

Oh yeah, then when I went to check my mail, suddenly my mail key stopped working too.

This is officially "Everything Breaks On Adam" week. (I'm in Burger King now using an internet terminal here, in case you were wondering.)

Weird Day

First, I got on and off reports that images on the site were acting up

Then, at around 9 PM I logged into theO chat for timechaser's Dr. Who season finale live chat only to see that our chat software had stopped working

Finally, while browsing theO, I noticed that our ad server had started loading really slowly

I'm not sure what caused any of these three separate issues. It's just funny that all three involved different systems and they all happened at once