Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Quick Notes

- Our celebrity chat session was a huge success, breaking all our chat records for activity. Over 73 members were in chat at once and Kyle graciously allowed for mingling, so people could talk to him live before and afterward. You can read the transcript here.

- Some members have reported seeing a "Gifts" row in their portfolio--has anyone else seen this?

- One of the biggest mistakes I've been making is that I work from home. This messes with my mind and is a huge distraction. I've been trying to find a suitable place to work from, it's become my #1 goal. Thus far it's a trial, there are so many crowded places in Manhattan. My ideal place is Borders since I could read all their books, but sadly they're always full.

- I might be switching from PC to Mac...

Quick Notes

-- theO chat had a lot of people in it today. We had a staff chat in it but some clever members figured out the password almost instantly--it was my fault for setting the password to just "chat."

-- I wonder how many members will visit for our celebrity chat event? I'm guessing 40-50.

-- Congratulations to the winner of our DBZ Burst Limit contest and to SomeGuy for posting his excellent review of the game.

-- I've been eating a lot of whipped cream lately out of the can. I love whipped cream.


I've been kind of bored lately, in general, despite lots of theO stuff going on all over the place...

Here are some Bossman Cupcake submissions:

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Quick Notes

-- The Dark Knight makes the Spiderman movies look like Disney Channel fare--and I liked the first two movies a lot! I just didn't like Batman's voice

-- We should have a live theO chat during the next Dr. Who episode so people can comment as it goes on--though timechaser isn't allowed to type because he's seen them all

-- Tomorrow is my junk food day. I diet and exercise obsessively 6/7 days of the week, and eat everything I've been craving on one day

-- Square is releasing a 3D remake of Final Fantasy IV on the DS. I might buy it to tide me over until the Chrono Trigger re-release

-- My secret pet project feature that's pretty much done will have both a title and premium bonus

-- On Thursday at 10 PM ET we're going to have a live chat event featuring a mystery voice actor celebrity whose credits include Naruto, Bleach, and DragonBall. We're going to post more on the main page soon, this is just a heads-up. If this chat event is a success you could see more down the line.

Quick Notes

-- I'm seeing the Dark Knight tomorrow, am very excited. Heath Ledger rocks.

-- People seem to like theO chat but they're not behaving as I expected. I jumped in tonight and for some reason no one was in the Lobby and everyone was crammed into two member-made rooms.

-- I'm not looking that forward to Miyazaki's upcoming movie:

-- I have a secret, new theO feature that's 99% done. I just don't want to add it so close to chat. It's a small feature that I think people will find surprisingly delightful.

-- I found a website with an exercise routine that, over 6ish weeks, trains you to do 100 consecutive push ups. Check it out