Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Project o_O

External Image

(I love the WORLD SHARE feature, it's so handy.)


Quick Question: Those of you who see category updates, would you prefer us not to show World posts and to only show fandom updates?


One of my measurements for fitness is the # of push-ups I can do consecutively. When I was younger (17-18), there was a time where I could routinely top 50. Then I remember a time about 6 months ago when I was grossly unhealthy and working on Version Vibrant, hadn't exercised in months, and where I collapsed after 20 or less. That was a low point.

Anyway, I just tested myself and reached a very respectable 46, so I am at a good place physically right now. What do you do to gauge your fitness?

Quick Notes

-- Comment count and quality are slowly going to become more and more important on the site. Right now promotions take them into account, that's a start, but we're going to do more. Comments really unify the site and a lot of people will either have a positive or negative experience based solely on whether people comment on their stuff

-- I might even add a leaderboard above the subscribers leaderboard that lists the top commenters (of course we'd have anti-spam measures so people couldn't just post 50 "Great job!" comments in one day)

-- Dr. Mario continues to dominate my life, there hasn't been a game that's drawn me in in ages, probably because I loved the NES version and this has online play

-- I was elected an officer (VP of Education) of my public speaking club, so I'll be spending an hour or two a week on those duties...

-- My next game will most likely have member rankings...

-- We need more Bossman Cupcake entries. I could easily end the contest now because I have a front runner in mind, but want to give everyone a chance

-- I have a lot of just boring paperwork to do...

-- My room is a disaster area

Fourth Game

I only like to make games if I'm properly inspired on a theme.

I started and made huge progress on my fourth game today. It'll be a surprise who the hero of this game will be...no cupcakes. The inspiration for the game is an exercise we did in one of my old Kung Fu schools, similar to dodgeball.

I continue to play Dr. Mario online...

Fan Words + Worlds

I think that we're eventually going to merge the WORLDS and FAN WORDS links at the top of theOtaku into a hybrid site, that way you can still find interesting posts that aren't SomeGuy-published.

My big question is how much does it matter that Fan Words are syndicated to theOtaku's layout? Would you rather it linked directly to the WORLD? This would have the benefit to the reader of stumbling on other posts of yours.

What do you think?