Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Project o_O Continues

Project o_O is going to change a lot about how members interact on theOtaku. It's going to be a huge demonstration of Version Vibrant-level technology at work.

Tomorrow we're going to unveil a feature that a lot of people have been asking for...this isn't a feature that does something new, but rather a feature that does something that we used to offer. Guess what it is.

Here's my random video:


Look at these new Bossman Cupcake entries:

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Maybe I should just stop the contest now??

Yes, I made it back home to ultra-humid NYC. Right before I got picked up from the airport I was washing dried frosted mini-wheats out of a bowl when a shard of one crammed into my thumb, right in the space between my finger and the nail. It still hurts and I now know what "bamboo under fingernail" torture feels like

Sunday Notes

(This is going to be a long post since it's my last day in SomeGuy land)

-- My third game is almost done and has become much more a game vs. an interactive art exhibit. It's become much more difficult and there's a scoring element to it.

-- I'm very happy with the first two entries to my Bossman Cupcake contest. Check them out (via the new WORLD SHARE feature):

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-- I'm leaving SomeGuy territory tomorrow - goodbye fresh air, cheap sushi, mountains, beaches, kickboxing, rockclimbing, and SG--you were all good to me

-- Look at what the team and I have accomplished site-wise this month:

  • Fixed portfolio log out issue
  • Announced and finished NYAF mascot contest
  • Let you view subscribers and subscriptions on portfolio
  • Revived Guru submissions
  • Added notifications to fandom approvals
  • Announced a wallpaper contest
  • Fixed a huge glitch with editing fan comic pages and let you view pages in high resolution
  • Added color and font profiles to comments
  • Tripled the submission limit from 1 to 3
  • Announced the premium launch features
  • Fixed the site's layout in IE6
  • Created and released my second game
  • Announced a Bossman Cupcake mascot contest
  • Added IMG tags with World Share on all submissions
  • Fixed a ton of glitches with wallpaper submissions

One of the things I'm most appreciative of are the members who've stuck with us rather than just run away at the first sign of change. Even members who didn't like VV that much at first. For example, Petie wrote on my guestbook:

When Version Vibrant first launched, I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Part of me really liked it but there was another part that wasn't entirely crazy about it at first. I'd just like to thank you for sticking with it and continuing to improve the site. I can tell you that now, I definitely know how I feel and that feeling is entirely positive.

Loyalty is important to me in general, probably because I'm an inherently loyal person and I've had some big (sometimes public, aka AnimeFF) betrayals.

-- I'm working on a secret new theO site I call "Project o_O" - that's because everyone who I show it to, the first thing they do, is type "o_O" - this feature could be HUGE and I predict a lot of members will become addicted to it. The best part is that this new section is already 90% done, it just needs a little refinement and polish.

-- One day, my cupcake-mascot game label will become grander and even more powerful than theOtaku.com....just watch.

- Wow, I'm only going to get like 30 minutes of sleep before I have to go to the airport. That's what I get for waiting until the last second to pack.

Great Entrances

I Really Like Naruto Pins

What do you think of these?

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There's a SECRET hidden in this post that eludes to a new feature that might already be out. What is it? Look carefully.